Thursday, November 11, 2010
I sat there and smiled as I read the old diary entry I wrote back on Esme's Island when Bella and I first got married.
‘’I’m sorry I murmured ‘’so much for thoroughness. I didn’t think about how hot you would be with me gone. I’ll have an air conditioner installed before I leave again.’’ Bella froze for a seconded and then tried to get up but I had my arms around her she finally yelled a ‘’Excuse me!’’ she gasped trying to get free from my arms I dropped my hold automatically. She ran to the bathroom with her hands clamped over her mouth. I followed her to the bathroom where she was crouched over the toilet and was violently vomiting. ‘’Bella? What’s wrong?’’ I asked as I held her anxiously, keeping her hair out of her face. ‘’Damn rancid chicken,’’ she moaned taking in deep breaths. ‘’Are you all right?’’ I asked in a strained voice. ‘’I’m fine’’ she panted. ‘’It’s just food poisoning. You don’t need to see this. Go away.’’ I chuckled under my breath and muttered ‘’Not likely, Bella.’’
‘’Go away, Edward.’’ She moaned again. trying to get up so she could rinse her mouth out. I helped her trying to be as gentle as possible. I ignored her weak shoves she aimed at me. After she rinsed and brushed her teeth I carried her back to the bed and sat her down carefully, supporting her with my arms. ‘’Food poisoning?’’ I asked. ‘’Yeah,’’ she croaked. ‘’I made some chicken last night. It tasted off, so I threw it out. But I ate a few bites first.’’ I put my hand across her clammy forehead. And she sighed ‘’how do you feel know?’’ she thought for a moment before answering. ‘’Pretty normal. A little hungry, actually.’’ I narrowed my eyes at her for a moment and nodded. ‘’here drink this,’’ I handed her a glass of water. ‘’and see if you can keep this down for a hour and then I will make you some eggs.’’ We watched CNN as she lounged drowsily across my lap. i got bored with the news so I just listened to her perfect heart beat.
She twisted around to kiss me but just like this morning she lurched up with a hand tight over her mouth. She ran to the kitchen sink and vomited. I sighed and held her hair again. Maybe I could talk her into seeing a doctor… ‘’Maybe we should go back to Rio, and see a doctor.’’ I suggested anxiously while she was rinsing her mouth out. I didn’t like that she was vomiting what if she caught a disease or something. She shook her head and edged toward the hallway. ‘’I’ll be fine after I brush my teeth.’’ I rolled my eyes and watched her walk into the bedroom. I paced up and down the hallway waiting for her to come out but she didn’t. I knocked on the door softly and didn’t get a answer I waited a moment more before talking ‘’Are you well?’’ I asked through the door ‘’Did you get sick again?’’
‘’yes and no.’’ bella muttered ‘’Bella? Can I please come in?’’ I asked worriedly ‘’O…kay’’ I walked in and appraised her position. She was sitting cross-legged on the floor by the suitcase her expression, was blank and staring. I sat next her and slid my hand onto her forehead at once feeling to see is she had a temperature. ‘’What’s wrong?’’ I asked softly ‘’how many days has it been since the wedding?’’ she whispered.
‘’Seventeen,’’ I answered automatically ‘’Bella, what is it?.’’ she held up a finger cautioning for me to wait.’’ i sat there silently counting One Mississippi Two Mississippi Three Mississippi that’s it! I can’t take it anymore. ‘’Bella.’’ I whispered urgently. ‘’I’m losing my mind over here.’’ She reached into the suit case and fumbled around for a minute and then pulled out a little blue box. It took me a seconded to realize what it was. I stared at her in utter confusion. ‘’what? Are you trying to pass this illness off as PMS?’’
‘’No,’’ she choked out. ‘’No, Edward. I’m trying to tell you that my period is five days late. I just sat there still like I statue. I’m sure I didn’t make a expression at all. ‘’ I don’t think I have food poisoning,’’ she added I still didn’t answer her I was still shocked at what she said. it felt like I was 1,000 miles away I couldn’t see her all I saw was a blur. I heard the phone ring but I couldn’t move I just stayed there frozen like a statue. I felt Bella's hands searching my pockets for the phone but I still didn’t move. I heard the conversation but it was all a blur. I didn’t completely snap out of my frozen state until bella said she felt something move inside of her. my head snapped up and met her eyes they looked frightened. I snapped my hand out waiting for her to put the phone in my hand. ‘’Um, I think Edward wants to talk to you.’’
‘’Put him on.’’ I heard Carlisle on the other side. She put the phone in my outstretched hand. ‘’Is it possible?’’ I asked. ‘’I’m not sure. But if something is growing inside of her then we need to know what it is.’’
‘’And her?’’ I asked while wrapping my arm around her. ‘’It could kill her. we need to find out what it is fast. Get her home as soon as you can.’’
‘’Yes. Yes, I will.’’ I pulled the phone away from my ear and hit the end button.
‘’Thank you for reading Edward Cullen’s Diary<3’’
‘’Love Edward<3''
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Friday, November 5, 2010
''Fire and Ice''
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